Ok .. first a prelude...
This month I will be turning even older than dirt, which I am right now .. sigh .. and as a celebration towards that HORRID day, I've decided to take note of different things :oO
I shall add to this as I think of things .. but why not start on a good note .. ha ha
This is my attempt to unwind from the gym before heading back up to the hospital for the evening.
Things That I'm Really Bad At (in no particular order):
1. I am horrible at keeping any sort of an internet based commitment. .. LOL I may as well start out with one that hits close to home. I was actually pretty good about flickr until my current photography slump and hectic lifestyle. Other than that I am the queen of having 4,000,000 web sites that I can't keep up with consistently. Why not shut them down you ask? Well, that requires effort, which leads me to...
2. I have got to be the laziest person ever born!!! I was talking to my brother-in-law the other day about school and I begin to rehash the extent of my laziness. When I can get away with it I will do as little as possible, if anything at all. I sleep until 5 minutes past the absolute last second then I find myself running out the door in order to get to work on time. I'm now even worse as I'm putting my makeup on (what little I wear) in the car while I'm driving (yea that's real safe!). If I could get away with it I bet I'd sleep all day and all night on some days .. not because I'm sick but because I'm sooooo lazy!!! I save all my errands up and do them all at the same time, not because I'm being considerate of the environment, but because I'm lazy!! I did not sell my house last year like I planned on because I was too lazy to get it ready, pack up, and move... I just want to sell it as is and just start over, if that means I don't have to do any work!! I will write VB scripts and create macros for every possible thing I can not because I'm trying to be efficient, .. you get the point?!
3. I think I'm an absolute contradiction of myself. Ok this is better suited as being a list:
This month I will be turning even older than dirt, which I am right now .. sigh .. and as a celebration towards that HORRID day, I've decided to take note of different things :oO
I shall add to this as I think of things .. but why not start on a good note .. ha ha
This is my attempt to unwind from the gym before heading back up to the hospital for the evening.
Things That I'm Really Bad At (in no particular order):
1. I am horrible at keeping any sort of an internet based commitment. .. LOL I may as well start out with one that hits close to home. I was actually pretty good about flickr until my current photography slump and hectic lifestyle. Other than that I am the queen of having 4,000,000 web sites that I can't keep up with consistently. Why not shut them down you ask? Well, that requires effort, which leads me to...
2. I have got to be the laziest person ever born!!! I was talking to my brother-in-law the other day about school and I begin to rehash the extent of my laziness. When I can get away with it I will do as little as possible, if anything at all. I sleep until 5 minutes past the absolute last second then I find myself running out the door in order to get to work on time. I'm now even worse as I'm putting my makeup on (what little I wear) in the car while I'm driving (yea that's real safe!). If I could get away with it I bet I'd sleep all day and all night on some days .. not because I'm sick but because I'm sooooo lazy!!! I save all my errands up and do them all at the same time, not because I'm being considerate of the environment, but because I'm lazy!! I did not sell my house last year like I planned on because I was too lazy to get it ready, pack up, and move... I just want to sell it as is and just start over, if that means I don't have to do any work!! I will write VB scripts and create macros for every possible thing I can not because I'm trying to be efficient, .. you get the point?!
3. I think I'm an absolute contradiction of myself. Ok this is better suited as being a list:
- I am so unbelievably lazy yet I work my tail off at the gym, running when it's 90 degrees out, etc.
- I am anally, psychotically, habitually organized at work, yet my home is organized so that only I can understand it ... OK I'll partly blame this on the fact that I need to move, but still it's true!
- My friends are open to me and talk about the problems to me, yet I stay closed up pretty tightly. OK .. this is a personality quirk I guess, but I just like keeping my feelings private.
- There are times when I won't shut up for the life of me and then other times where I won't say word. Am I introverted or extroverted ... make up your mind crazy red head?!!!
- I was a TERRIBLE student in college yet I'm considering trying to teach there. If I could get away with getting an A and only showing up 1/4 of the time, you can guarantee I did it. If I could get away with it, I did not go to class. I'm one of those people who suck at internet or independent courses!! Now, I'm considering trying to teach on a post high school level ... WTF! Well, to my defense, if the subjects in college were actually more interesting, I may have gone more often ... may be the key word here.
- I HATE typos, but I am the queen of typos!! We have internal messaging at work between all the offices and I am on there talking to this person or that person. I must send a typo in every other message. Then I sent it and I want to kick myself. Of course after that, I have to re-type the word correctly, as if they did not know what I meant to put. But the whole concept of me and my typos is sooo annoying!! Here are some typos I'm 'famous' for: jsut, gonig,
- Ok .. I'll add more lately .. I feel that I could turn this one things into a HUGE ramble, which leads to ...
4. Can I talk or what? It drives me crazy, but I can't just email with one line .. it's gotta be a darn book! I spend 20 minutes writing these novels to people. Whether it's me explaining something in GIS step by step (by step) to another person, or me just talking about gossip in email ... they all turn into complete novels. I apologize in emails constantly for not shutting up because I feel so bad to the people who are dumb enough to read them! I email my former coworker, Ram, all the time explaining how to do this, that, and the other in GIS and I always apologize and he makes a joke back saying he enjoys reading my novels. Novels ... yea Ram has a catalogue of them by now!
5. I suck at the whole dress code concept. Oh yea, I really really suck at this one!! Here's the BEST example ... sometime last summer I started my seasonal routine of wearing flip flops 24/7. Come fall it did not quite cool down enough so I just kept wearing them. Winter? Every day but one I think. Now, yep still every day. So at first I would wear them to work and change shoes when I got there. When I realized that while I was chained to my desk no one would notice either way, I stopped doing that so much. Now I walk in wearing them, walk around wearing them, and leave with them on still. However, just in case a visitor comes in I have three pair of shoes under my desk... :) Here's the deal .. I hate socks and I hate having sweaty feet, and I love flip flops, so even all of my dress shoes are basically flip flops on heels. Oh .. and I have somehow convinced myself that every UofL game day is permission to wear a UofL shirt to work. I did it at Corradino and I'm guessing I'll try and pull that one off at OBG :o)
6.I hate yardwork, housework, laundry, OK I am lazy lazy lazy when it comes to my house. I need a condo, because damn it's soo hard trying to do it all yourself. This is my official crying session ... I hate everything that comes with owning a home. I could get a roommate to help with the chores, but I hate roommates. I could compromise and get into a relationship with a good guy where he is kind enough to help me :o) ... HAHAHAHA ... those guys are about as rare as the panda bear so that won't work. So I whine and moan about it and do it as infrequent as I can get away with.
7. I'm ANAL ANAL ANAL about any computer I use. The start menus are clean and organized. At work, within the first two months of being there, I took over the GIS data, cleaned it out, and organized it. I have standards now for the others to learn from and follow, because I'm ANAL! I never have icons on my desktop because it looks so cluttery. Everything has to be perfect. It's annoying but I can't help it and I can't break the cycle!! With GIS, any maps I make have to be PERFECT .. everything is aligned by rulers and set up in the exact way they should be. It's soooo annoying that I can't just do it, but I have to be all perfect and crap about it. I'm a Virgo, what do you expect??
8. I am a bit of a gadget girl. This is going to be my last one for the moment, so I may as well tie it in with the post below it :o) ... I have so many electronics and know entirely too much about computers, different programs, etc. I stick my nose into everything I can. If they need someone to learn a new program, they just ask me because it's like I am a dog drooling waiting for the chance. I took over the local IT duties at work and I'm like everyone I knows tech support. It's sad, but I drool over this too :o)
Ok .. I need to go ... will 'attempt' to be back again soon.
5. I suck at the whole dress code concept. Oh yea, I really really suck at this one!! Here's the BEST example ... sometime last summer I started my seasonal routine of wearing flip flops 24/7. Come fall it did not quite cool down enough so I just kept wearing them. Winter? Every day but one I think. Now, yep still every day. So at first I would wear them to work and change shoes when I got there. When I realized that while I was chained to my desk no one would notice either way, I stopped doing that so much. Now I walk in wearing them, walk around wearing them, and leave with them on still. However, just in case a visitor comes in I have three pair of shoes under my desk... :) Here's the deal .. I hate socks and I hate having sweaty feet, and I love flip flops, so even all of my dress shoes are basically flip flops on heels. Oh .. and I have somehow convinced myself that every UofL game day is permission to wear a UofL shirt to work. I did it at Corradino and I'm guessing I'll try and pull that one off at OBG :o)
7. I'm ANAL ANAL ANAL about any computer I use. The start menus are clean and organized. At work, within the first two months of being there, I took over the GIS data, cleaned it out, and organized it. I have standards now for the others to learn from and follow, because I'm ANAL! I never have icons on my desktop because it looks so cluttery. Everything has to be perfect. It's annoying but I can't help it and I can't break the cycle!! With GIS, any maps I make have to be PERFECT .. everything is aligned by rulers and set up in the exact way they should be. It's soooo annoying that I can't just do it, but I have to be all perfect and crap about it. I'm a Virgo, what do you expect??
8. I am a bit of a gadget girl. This is going to be my last one for the moment, so I may as well tie it in with the post below it :o) ... I have so many electronics and know entirely too much about computers, different programs, etc. I stick my nose into everything I can. If they need someone to learn a new program, they just ask me because it's like I am a dog drooling waiting for the chance. I took over the local IT duties at work and I'm like everyone I knows tech support. It's sad, but I drool over this too :o)
Ok .. I need to go ... will 'attempt' to be back again soon.