Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Knight on Shining Lawn Mower??

Ok ... here's a ramble, but I can't help it...

Lately my life has been a bit too busy. I always claim to be busy but lately it's really really been spiraling out of control. I'm sleeping about 4 or 5 hours a night because that's pretty much all the time I can spare .. it's that bad!

Lucky for me we had / are having that drought and while it's killed off my flowers from really blooming this year, it's been a blessing in that I have not had to cut my grass much. Then, to top it off the last time I cut my grass my lawn mower started acting a fool, and of course I have not had time to deal with it. So my yard has needed it, but it hasn't been as bad as it's gotten before :o)

Ok .. to my point.

I came home the other day and part of my front yard was cut. I have no idea who did it and I've been asking around. Then, tonight I came home and they finished off my front yard. This is about the second of third time this year that it's happened and I can't figure out who's the person I need to thank.

Sadly, I came home for lunch today to check on Archie (he had tests done this week and so I've been checking on him during lunch) and then I came home after work (before leaving again for the gym) and I did not notice my yard. So I have no idea when it was cut. It's really bad when someone is so busy that they drive by something 3-4 times a day and can't even see a difference. So .. part of me takes that as a big hint that I need to regroup, reorganize, and try to make myself, my house, etc a bit more of a priority that it is right now.

So .. I have a few more things to add on to my list in addition to more things for Archie, working when I'm typically the last person to leave the office every night, and running during my other free half of my lunch because that's the only real time I can squeeze for exercise on a consistent basis (I go to the gym 2-3 times a week on a typical week .. I just wish the gym was 24 hours over the weekend because that would really help...).

I hope to run into the person who's really saving me here so I can thank them. I have a few more ideas of who to ask and I'm hoping that I find the kind soul :o)

Ok .. enough for now because I still have laundry to do before bed and it's already 10:30 ... no wonder I can never get a good night's rest!!!