Thursday, November 29, 2007

Hello ..

I've meant to re-surface sooner, but it's been hectic. So, just to jot some notes down...

(1) They finally found out a major part of what's going on with me, health-wise. It doesn't explain everything, but it's something. It's not something that's going to go away though, so I'm kinda ticked about that.

(2) My foster, Trixie, had surgery 2 weeks ago. She had a mass on her chest and so they removed that and two of her breasts as well. They sent the mass off to test for cancer. I take her in to remove the stitches and drainage tube tomorrow, so I should hopefully find out then.

(3) I FINALLY got my second monitor at work. Unfortunately my computer's card only supported one monitor because if not I would have bought it myself and expensed it out. When it came in, I swear it felt like it was my birthday or something, I was probably entirely too happy to see it.

(4) Over Thanksgiving weekend, Lacy, my former foster, stayed with me. From Wednesday - Sunday I had 5 dogs in here, which could be tolerable except that my Archie and Nina, combined with Lacy meant for a psychotic extravaganza of overly-energetic dogs. Oh well, I still liked having her here, but my current foster, Trixie, hated it!

(5) Friday night my sister had another seizure while we were at my Mom's house. Granted I've experienced canine seizures, but this was such a terrifying experience. The EMS came and we ended up at the hospital until after 11 that night. She goes to the doctor tomorrow and they're going to do an EEG to see if they can find some answers as to what's going on. Until then, and even after that, we're all discussing anything and everything that we can do to both help her and also a plan in case it happens again.

(6) I was very good, or mostly good, over the weekend with all the sales going on. I did buy myself a GPS unit because I've been wanting one. I started out wanting just a basic one, nothing fancy, then I realized for only XX more it could speak street names. Then, a guy at Best Buy sold me on the next model up, as I can actually make and receive calls on the GPS unit (either from a listing in it or from my cell phone's phone book), and it came with the traffic receiver in case I wanted to get that one day. Finally, I found the same model on the internet, except it came with a different traffic service and instead of a 3 month trial, I get one year for it. .. Sucker .. yea I know. But ... I was good, because at that point I was thinking about spending another $150 on a different model that was basically the same thing, but different looking. I resisted, and trust me it was really hard to stand up to myself! Anyway, the unit came in and I've played with it, but I won't be able to do much until the weekend. I did however, give myself a purple car .. :o)

(7) Sometime in the past month or so I managed to find the time to wipe out both of my computers that I actively use and give them a fresh start. Now they run so much better .. it's crazy! At the same time, I FINALLY bought much needed memory for my laptop and am intending on installing that this weekend. I just pulled the directions and I knew that it would require me to take off the keyboard, so needless to say I'm not excited about getting into all of that ...

Ok .. I think my time has expired .. I have homework to get back to and the download just finished.