Saturday, April 26, 2008

Race Results to date

Papa John's 10 Miler
Finish = 2:12:22
Pace: 00:13:14 minute mile
Run Speed: 4.53 miles/ hour

Goose Creek 5k (3.1 miles)
Finish = 35:58
Pace: 00:11:34 minute mile
Run Speed: 5.18 miles/ hour

Derby Festival Mini-Marathon (13.1 miles)
April 26, 2008
5k = 1:17:10
10k = 1:55:51
15k / Finish = 2:43:33
Pace: 00:12:29 minute mile
Run Speed: 4.81 miles/ hour

Next Year's Goals for the Papa John's 10 Miler and the Mini Marathon:
Papa Johns: finish in 2 hours or better with a pace of 00:12:00 minute miles and running speed of 5.0.
Mini Marathon: finish in 2:30:00 or better with a pace of 00:11:27 minute miles and runing speed of 5.23.

I really think that I can easily do better than that, assuming I can further strengthen my weak knees. I plan to continue training and reevaluate this later