Friday, April 4, 2008

A Few Updates .. :)

I need to get on here more often ...

1.) We did the Papa John's 10 Miler this past weekend. For 3 reasons I'm not 'allowed' to do the races anymore, but I decided to test the waters and see how it goes. Needless to say we're doing a 5k on the 12th of April (with the intent of running the whole thing) and then the mini - marathon on the 26th (i think .. it's that saturday). I came in at 2:12:22 and came in 12 minutes ahead of the 3 people I was with. Considering one is consistently WAY ahead of us and I am not a runner by a long stretch, I was pretty pleased.

2.) I got Derby press passes for myself and two others. I am thrilled about that!! This is my 3rd year shooting the Derby events and I can't wait to take advantage of the additional access!!

3.) I ordered myself the Nikon D300. I needed a longer lasting 2nd camera and the D1X batteries are shot lived. This is supremely rated and will be very loved in my house. I think it will be great because we all know that I won't put down the D50 for a second, so now I'll just consistently carry two cameras ... I can't wait until it arrives!

4.) We're up to going to the gym 6 days a week now and putting in 1.5-2 hours. I'm really pushing myself on the weight training .. at this point I'm going for getting my upper body and mid section in better shape.. look good now but there's always room for improvement. I'm pretty pleased with things right now but while I'm using the gym as a work de-stress tool I may as well make the most of it .. :)

5.) We had a flickr meet this past weekend and it was a pretty good time. I definitely learned that it's better to not announce that you hate your photo being taken because that causes people to take more of them. I probably should have just went with it .. but if you saw 90% of the photos of me you'd know why I hide .. I know I know .. we all hate photos of ourselves but I can't help but think mine are just awful!!