Monday, May 26, 2008

Updates and some rambles

I'm giving myself about ten minutes to catch up on things ... hahah .. with me and my tendency to ramble I may not get far.

1.) Trixie had her 6 month follow up xray to cancer. It came up clean .. :o) We're halfway towards a good long-term outcome for her. Yesterday I found a bump on her underside but it's where her mastectomy was so the doctors say that tumors should not be found there. Anyway it's literally less than a week after her scans so I'm forcing myself to NOT freak out and give it a day or two thinking it's just a skin infection or something.

2.) The holiday weekend was a good one. Nice and long although I did get a bit lazy at times. I stayed up way too late so I'll be HURTING when I have to get up for work in the morning.

3.) I jacked my back up two days (royally) although it's better now .. I pretty much just bit my lip and went on .. and I think I've mentally talked myself out of the pain. I do that more than I realize because I'll look down and there is a huge gash on my leg and I have no clue where it came from .. hahah

4.) My niece's birthday was this weekend .. Great day .. my sister is keeping my cousin's daughter for a few days this week and so she was there too. We went bike riding multiple times, played with bubbles, played games, etc. It was fun to play with the girls and I always look forward to it. My cousin's daughter gave me a big bear hug and told me I was the coolest adult ever .. I love that .. :o) I was super cool Saturday night too .. we had a Wii game night with the girls which included primarily TONS of 4 player Mario Kart and my sister and I working on our co-op career in Guitar Hero. Haha .. good times .. :)

5.) My niece got a pug for her birthday .. too cute. My sister bought it 3 weeks ago and My Dad and his wife eagerly volunteered to parent it so my niece wouldn't find out. I bet my Dad's wife went home and sulked over missing that dog .. talk about a cute pug!!

6.) I shot on Abbey Road this weekend and learned why I'll never pay $25 to go see that. Just not my thing .. I mean the Beatles are cool and all but I just didn't see why people were paying $25 to see a bunch of tribute bands. Oh well .. for those who did they appeared to be thoroughly enjoying themselves so it all works out in the end. Met some hot photog but dangit if he wasn't from NY .. oh well .. still nice eye candy, eh?

Ok .. ten minutes is up and yea, I barely touched the surface. I'd like to say I'll do this more often, but I probably won't .. oh well .. maybe I'll look into mobile blogging ...