Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Lessons Learned

Ok .. so lately I've learned a few lessons. Nothing major, but I'll name and describe a few...

1.) If I get out of bed early Saturday and Sunday morning the weekend feels amazingly long. Wow .. I had no idea, but not that I just 'willingly' get up, so that is now becoming the time that I'm visiting the gym over the weekend. Downfall .. the long days tend to get me bored halfway through it, and I've been going to the stores buying trivial stuff out of boredom .. BAD!!

2.) You know that I'm working too long because on the day that I actually leave before 6, I look at the clock thinking it's 9pm or so and it's only 7pm .. I need to stop working so much.

3.) Just because it's not raining doesn't mean it's an excuse to slack off on chores. I have been HORRIBLE about not doing anything outside, because it hasn't been an absolute necessity .. my yard .. sucks right about now and now I'm too lazy to mess with it, but I'm going to follow #1 and try and get up early this weekend and be done with it. Plus, downfall, I have a drain in the back yard that I keep free of debris. With the lack of rain this summer / fall I've not worried about it so much. Well it rained last week and the ground is so dry that it become nothing but runoff .. the runoff traveled to the clogged drain, and into my basement .. yep .. lesson learned.

3.) I apparently ALWAYS compliment people too soon. So, when my sister is doing a good job, I like to tell her, because she typically gets nothing but criticism from the rest of the family. So, I tell her this weekend. Then the next day she does something that, once again, makes me regret complimenting her, because that one single action did more damage than the milestones she's made over the past couple of years. So .. I try to be nice and apparently I need to not do that again...

4.)Listen to something funny at work .. all of a sudden work is not so bad. It's been stressful at work lately, well over the past month or two. Anyway, thank you Dane Cook for making it more tolerable during those icky moments. I have been cracking up sitting at my desk constantly listening to him. Sadly though, I work in Cube World and I have a big mouth, so as much as I try not to laugh very loud, sometimes it happens .. but I think they're immune to it by now..

5.) Never assume that you've 'heard it all,' because you haven't. So I'm driving down the road the other day and another 'smooth' guy hits on me. First of all, how annoying. Second of all he is driving an old, over-sized pick-up covered in mud. Thirdly, he looks at me and asks 'Do you wanna go get dirty?" .. WTF?!?! Yes, I was on Dixie Highway, which is one place I NEVER go to .. so I should know better .. but come the F on .. idiot? So, I give him the standard polite brush off and then guess what he says ... "yea you don't look like the type that gets your hands dirty anyway." ... OMG ... now I was MAD MAD MAD about that! Obviously this guy did not know a thing about me, because of all the things people have said to me, I've never been placed in that girly or whatever category that he just tossed me in. My baby sister, yea she's a bit of a priss and a bit high maintenance as far as clothes, getting ready and all of that. The middle one is like me, we're your normal every day chics, but I'm personally more of a t-shirt and jeans person who takes like 10 minutes to get ready, and she doesn't wear t-shirts that often and it takes her a bit longer because she gets ready, where I just go. Ok .. anyway, at that point I decided that I needed to figure out how to politely ignore this guy, because I, of course, wanted to bite his head off. I was completely insulted. So low and behold, don't think that you have heard it all .. because you haven't.

Ok .. that's enough for now .. :o)