As part of Keep Louisville Bicycle Safe Month, the Louisville Metro Police Traffic Unit was out in Cherokee Park and Seneca Park monitoring driver's speeds last week. They worked a few hours at a time and at different times through the week Tuesday through Friday. The very first day they worked, they issued 56 citations, 48 for speeding.
Here are the numbers for the week:
- Total citations: 195
- Arrests: 2 (1 for a DUI)
- Warnings: 2
The officers received a lot of positive feedback while conducting the details, in email and from calls from pedestrians, joggers, and cyclists.
In the very near future, Louisville Metro Police (LMPD) will be conducting traffic details targeting illegal behavior on the part of cyclists. LMPD has been working with local cycling organizations to identify some of the areas around town where cyclists might be putting themselves and others in the most danger by unlawful behavior and by not following the rules of the road. The goal is to increase education for safer bicycling.
If you are unsure of the rules of the road, or feel you could become better educated, there are a number of ways to find help:
- Visit Louisville Metro's Bike Louisville program
bikelouisville where you will find information about bike safety, bike laws, see bike safety videos and see bike maps to find the safest routes. - Take bike safety classes with Bicycling for Louisville. They actually have confident cycling classes starting this week.
- Visit the Louisville Bicycle Club's website to post questions or join a discussion group.
If you would like to let the Louisville Metro Police Department know about areas around town where you feel cyclists not following the rules of the road are placing themselves and others in danger, please contact LMPD's Public Information Officer Sgt. Robert Biven.