Sunday, September 23, 2007

The War is Over!!!

Finally .. I can rest in peace!!

So .. I'm on the phone today, making plans, as I'm walking through the house to let the dogs in. As a habitual habit, I look towards the kitchen because of my previous battle, looking to see if the fleeing opponent has ever returned.

I let out that Holy Sh1t .. and of course he's back.

Here's the sad thing .. the second I said it, I hear the question.. what it is? Then when I say 'oh sh1t he's back' ... it's sad that I get the response something like .. oh that spider? ... Yea .. I apparently whined about that to everyone .. but dang I can't help it .. it's been a plague and obsession for me.

So .. Mr. Hidden who's been non-existent for a while now, apparently made himself a nice little hammock overnight and was taking a nap under the morning sun...

Being the paranoid psychotic and bug phobic person that I am .. I had left the bug spray out assuming that the rematch would eventually happen.

I grab the spray, sat the phone down, and let loose ... this time there was no half @ss spray or jumping girliness .. this guy was NOT getting away.

So .. he was on the left side of the window .. opposite of the time before. Being that the stove was too far, he immediately ran behind the blinds. Crap .. I can't keep doing this!! So .. I stare and can barely make out his shadow through the blinds ... So .. I slowly twist the blinds open .. then when I get it to where he's visible I give it one good twist and spray ..

and spray .. and spray .. and pick the phone back up .. and spray .. and spray .. OMG I think I let at least half of the can go on this guy .. he was completely white and Raid was DRIPPING off of him.

So while I'm reminded that he's not going to 'just drop dead on me,' I did not care .. I kept going on him ... I hosed down the blinds, the shelf under the blinds, and everything around it. Lucky though I'm an idiot and that damn window is STILL open .. so in this case it worked out good because that half can worth of fumes went out the window in the process.

Finally he slowed down, clung onto a blind and you could tell he was ending his road. So .. I watched a few minutes to make sure it was over before I left the house. Shouldn't I just put a cup over him just in case? .. heck no .. that would mean getting close to him and there's NO WAY I'm doing that any time soon!!

Now it's hours later ... hours later .. and he's dead body lies in my window still. While I've cleaned some of the damage from my obsessive hosing, I've yet to even get close to him .. because my chicken butt will let him sit there for a day or two in case he resurrects or something impossible like that ... or I may call in a favor to remove his vicious remains.

So .. the battle is over with .. FINALLY .. and while there's clean up to do and there was a horrid couple of embarrassing scenes, I can rest easy that he's now dead and .. no one else personally witnessed the rest of the story .. :o)

The thing that may keep my up now is the fact that Mr. Psycho lived in my house for a month or so, I'm guessing behind my stove .. so now I guess I'm going to going through my kitchen and house with a fine tooth comb in hopes that he did not leave children to carry on the war in his absence ... but I will admit .. I was entirely too chicken to seek him out and I am entirely too proud to call in for some help .. stubborn!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Weekly Check in

While I've had this page open since 12, I've yet to write ... out of completely and utter shock and disgust...

OMG .. Can I slap Steve Kragthorpe? I am about to get in my car, drive to bring Petrino back to UofL, and send out a rescue party to find out WTF happened to our defense, because they have yet to show up .... Ok .. I'm just fuming, annoyed, and everything else. Enough of that...

Just like what the Cards are doing now, I did the same thing this morning, except instead of throwing around garbage at Papa John's I was picking up garbage along Beargrass Creek for a couple of hours earlier this morning. MSD sponsors / encourages group cleanup of the creek at certain times and so I thought that I would contribute something back to creek, considering we all indirectly contribute to the pollution in the creek (runoff of car oils, road debris, etc when it rains as an example).

While I hate to wake up early, I wish I would do it more often because it makes the days ad my weekends feel so much longer, instead of sleeping it away and the next thing you know it's another dang Monday...

Watching dogs dream has to be the sweetest thing ever. In the moments that I'm calm, or trying to ignore the beating that 0-3 Syracuse is handing us, two of my dogs have gotten decently far into their doggy dreams ... it's so cute .. they do little whimper barks, their legs move a bit, the whole thing is so cute. I can just imagine that their dreaming that they're chasing a big cat down the street .. :o)

Work has been ... work. Between that and school, I'm running myself into the ground. My stress level has hit it's max and so now I'm trying to work myself into a compromise, meaning I'm going to try and work 40 and be done with it. In school my one teacher keeps talking about natural logs ... things I willingly forgot years ago .. so that whole process of re-teaching myself the math (that doesn't get used often in the real world) has not been pleasant.

While I've been making time for my personal life, I think I need to make room for more. Hopefully as I work out the kinks with my work / school schedule, I'll fix that too.

Ok .. I am just not in much of a mood anymore, thanks to the embarrassing display of football by a current top 25 team and probably 'former' BCS Championship contender. It's amazing .. 4 games and all of Petrino's work .. there is no evidence of it anymore..

Doggy number 3 now dreams .. :o)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Just a Quick Few Lines


This will be brief .. I am hoping to be in bed before 1. The whole not sleeping .. yea it's really starting to catch up to me, so I have GOT TO try and change that. But .. I have two papers due this week, and two tests next week, so it won't be any time soon.

The weekend is never long enough and while most went to random details and common outtings, we did go somewhere different for a change. This weekend we went to see Anthony Cools out at Caesar's. I went out there to see him twice last year .. we went on a Saturday, turned around and bought tickets for that Sunday. This time, just as good, funny, hilarious, awesome. But he definitely does not hold anything back, so if you get offended at all, save your money. However if you have a sense of humor and don't mind the topics, he's worth seeing. I'll be going again next year.

As far as Caesar's, I literally only wanted to go out there, see the show, and leave, and that's what we did. Gambling .. never has done anything for me .. but I know people that borderline on having a problem, so I guess it's fun to some people. There are people that make the trip across the bridge a couple times a week, and I am sure that they're not the worst. As much as I don't personally like gambling, I don't know why it's not legal in KY so we can start keeping the tax money on our side of the bridge. Heck .. we have Churchill, why not add a casino.

Anyway, I went to Vegas in 2000 with an ex and literally did not gamble my money the whole week. We played Black Jack one night on his money, which is probably the only thing I'd consider playing, but after an hour or so I was done .. and that was all the nonsense I could tolerate!!

Ok .. I think my time is up .. gotta go!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

The Price to Pay for Getting Older ...

So .. as I've gotten older I've noticed soo many things changing. Not just physically, but emotionally, and everything else. It's amazing how things are so different now than they were before, but I think the hardest part is trying to deal with these changes, both the good and bad ones.

So now I'm 32... wow does that SUCK!! I cannot grasp that I'm actually that old or may be I don't want to. But, then again, I can't imagine being that same kid at 25... thinking back at the life I had, the things I did, and all the little details in between, we are two totally different people. Neither one was / is bad by any stretch of the imagination, just different. Different beliefs, different goals, and completely different paths. It's amazing how we are constantly evolving into our present self.And ten years from now I may even look back at my 32 year old self and say Wow as well.

1.) The biggest change I've noticed is that physically I'm not as up-to-speed as I was 5 or 6 years ago. I think it's amazing to think about, and probably a bit scary for me at the same time. There were a series of baby gates in my house in the past, to contain the kids while I'm at work. Before, I would fly over them as I was running late. Now .. it's one leg at a time. I don't know that I've completely adjusted to this, or accepted it. As things have slowed down I found it harder to stay ahead of the game, as far as my physical condition. So now, I've made the call to enroll in a gym, as a means of pushing it one step further in an effort to stay in shape and also to regain some of the agility that I had a few years back. So far I'm doing / feeling much better although I've yet to reattempt the gate hurdle .. :o) My middle sister recently hit the 30 milestone herself and is starting to notice the difference too. It's amazing but it's almost like an internal timer goes off. ... I hate it but what can you do?!

2.) As I've gotten older, I've become more and more bored with things. Which leads to me being more and more restless. Restless living where I live, restless in my spare time, restless in my own skin. Why? I don't know .. maybe because what was fun no longer is, maybe my priorities have changed. I don't know. I've noticed that I'm more prone to becoming obsessed with something, especially if that 'something' is the perfect way to kill time. However, it seems that the internet is not one of those things, and that probably has a lot to do with working in front of a monitor 5 days a week.

3.) My definitions of 'fun' has tremendously evolved ..
  • I've long ago given up the bar scene, I remember going one time and thinking to myself how pathetic I must be to keep doing this. It was never fun and I hate the idea of being treated like a sex object. So I stopped going and I can't remember the last time I've willingly gone to a bar.
  • On that token, at the same time I just decided to not drink anymore. Ok .. it's not that I'm against drinking or anything, but I just don't feel like ever doing it I guess. I guess at this stage in my life I lost sight of that fun that came with drinking.
  • I've found fun more with the company of people and not so much with where we're at. I remember as a younger me it was more about where you were that night than anything else. So as long as you were there for new years, the rest of the story didn't matter. Nowadays I have found more fun driving around town, playing pool with friends, going bowling, or sitting in a coffee shop, than anything else. Because it's not fake in the least bit and I'm surrounded by everyone I want to be around, unlike how I perceive most things I've done in the past.

Ok ..I have a sick doggy that needs attending to so I should attempt to stop rambling. That is such a terrible thing for me, and funny enough, I'm not as talkative as I used to be in 'real' life, but I can ramble horribly on any sort of written media. Don't get me wrong, I talk with the best of them, but it's very much dependent on who I'm around, what we're doing, my mood, and so on. More often than not I stay more quiet than in the past .. I don't know why, maybe I got tired of hearing me talk so much!!

My last comment for the night is this ... I have a horrid obsession with my Nintendo DS Lite. Horrid!!!!!! I have a friend out in Seattle and a friend here in town that I play with on WiFi and it's amazing how many hours are wasted playing that .. and how often I'm charging the battery. I need another distraction or something I guess. I was hoping that school would help, but it's not helping in the least bit.

Again ... this goes back to my point above, in that I'm really bored right now and I think that this become my boredom fixer .. then became my obsession, because I'm a perfectionist and I have to have everything perfect on it.

So .. now I need a distraction to get me off of this thing. Well, basketball starts in a few months .. YAY .. but hopefully this won't still be going on as obsessively. But it's bad, and I know it's because I'm just bored and probably half reacting to getting older. I tend to panic around my birthday and I get into funks or something, so maybe this is a glitch that comes with that. Of course I've had the DS since January and while I've played it consistently, I've not gotten as bad as I am now. I think it's because of this darn game .. these Sims - type games just kill me ... and sadly I've pre-ordered MySims for the DS (I'm trying to resist getting the Wii version for right now) and I can't imagine how that's going to affect me trying to pry myself away from this little pink box!!