Well, this week has been a bit of a random week, so I'm going to ramble on about a little bit of anything and everything.
1. This is, I guess, like part 2 of the finale weeks. AI and Lost came to an end, of course on the same night.
For American Idol I was glad to see Jordin win. I did not vote because I really loved both of the finalists, but I personally think that Jordin fits more of the Idol 'mold' and by not winning, Blake can put out the kind of music that he wants to.
So, I was up until after midnight trying to watch Lost after the result of the AI season finale. Can I say this ... OMG ... to Lost!!! This season I've been completely UN-impressed with the finales for the shows. COMPLETELY! Well, Lost just completely BLEW me out of my seat .. I about freakin died when it ended. So, on that note I google for some gossip about the show. Here's what I find out ... the show is ending in 2010 and until then it's not only going to be 16 consective episodes a season, and now it's only running from February - May. You mean I have to wait until FEBRUARY to find out what happens next? You HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!
2. Here's some background info for my next bit .... Josie passed away in December. After that time I had decided that I was going to try and have it be just Archie and me for a while. That did not work because Archie got horribly depressed and after trying everything I could, I caved and starting looking around for another dog. I found Nina, who was completely adorable. She was at Animal Care and had just had puppies there and still needed to be spayed. Loved her and I applied to bring her home. So they do all the tests on her, now that she's weened the puppies from her and they find out she had a severe case of heartworm. So, regardless I wanted to bring her home because once treated you just have to keep them on heartworm preventative, which was going to happed regardless. Because of the treatment I needed to wait six months, until this July, to have her spayed.
So ... she's on the rag and it's driving me crazy!! I forgot that she'd probably go in heat within a 6 month period, but I never had to worry about that with Josie and Maggie because it had been a long time since they were fixed. So, she's all clingy and emotional, and I'm all paranoid that she's going to get out of the yard and get herself knocked up. Not a fun thing to go through but I'm 'hoping' to find time to make acall and find out how much longer of the 'fun' I have to go through before she's out of heat.
3. Buying property .. within the past six months or so, I've had random conversations with people about buying property, acres, subdividing it / selling it, and everyone building houses and living close to each other. Well on Mother's Day my sister is going on a tangent about the same idea ...talking about buying property, what we'd name the streets, and so on. Ok .. right? Well anyway my mother calls me today and started talking about the whole buying property and having the family move in our own 'mini' neighborhood. Apparently they were not just 'having conversation' but they were really talking about it. So, my other sister has been looking on the internet for land trying to see where all we could move to and they're talking about maybe doing something in the next year or so ... crazy!!
So .. if that happens, I guess I need to decide two things: (A) am I staying in Louisville? (B) am I just going to stay in my house here for right now and not move before that whole concept happens? I know, the idea of living in the vicinity of your relatives sounds INSANE, but they're talking about getting 20+ acres, and separating the houses where we'd be close, but not that close to each. Plus I'm thinking that my mother and I could combine resources and create one hell of a day lily garden ... between her lilies and mine we have hundreds of them!!
So, now that I've learned they're actually serious about the whole concept, I may think about it some, but of course not think hard into it since it's still in it's conceptual design. Here's the deal though .. if I do this, then it's probably under the assumption that I'd build a house there and stay there without moving again. So if I did something like that, I'd have to build a house that I'd be willing and capable of living in for years to come.
Ok .. to much thinking on that subject!!
4. Because of the finales and the fact that AI was two hours on Tuesday, I have not gone to the gym since Monday night. I feel weird and off track, but at the same time Angie and I have gone walking during our hour lunch every day. With that being said, I think it's actually harder to walk that our hour than it is to get on the treadmill for a hour. Granted I've not been able to use the weights for the past few days, but in general, that walking is exhausting!! It reminds me of exactly how much I hate hot weather because I come back half dead from the heat and humidity. Anyway I did not go again tonight because I had a few things going on, and even though we're walking about every day, I'm still intending on getting back to the air conditioned gym tomorrow night.
Ok .. that's enough for the moment. I'm going to read my highly addictive book for a bit before going to bed .. I'll touch base later.
1. This is, I guess, like part 2 of the finale weeks. AI and Lost came to an end, of course on the same night.
For American Idol I was glad to see Jordin win. I did not vote because I really loved both of the finalists, but I personally think that Jordin fits more of the Idol 'mold' and by not winning, Blake can put out the kind of music that he wants to.
So, I was up until after midnight trying to watch Lost after the result of the AI season finale. Can I say this ... OMG ... to Lost!!! This season I've been completely UN-impressed with the finales for the shows. COMPLETELY! Well, Lost just completely BLEW me out of my seat .. I about freakin died when it ended. So, on that note I google for some gossip about the show. Here's what I find out ... the show is ending in 2010 and until then it's not only going to be 16 consective episodes a season, and now it's only running from February - May. You mean I have to wait until FEBRUARY to find out what happens next? You HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!!!
2. Here's some background info for my next bit .... Josie passed away in December. After that time I had decided that I was going to try and have it be just Archie and me for a while. That did not work because Archie got horribly depressed and after trying everything I could, I caved and starting looking around for another dog. I found Nina, who was completely adorable. She was at Animal Care and had just had puppies there and still needed to be spayed. Loved her and I applied to bring her home. So they do all the tests on her, now that she's weened the puppies from her and they find out she had a severe case of heartworm. So, regardless I wanted to bring her home because once treated you just have to keep them on heartworm preventative, which was going to happed regardless. Because of the treatment I needed to wait six months, until this July, to have her spayed.
So ... she's on the rag and it's driving me crazy!! I forgot that she'd probably go in heat within a 6 month period, but I never had to worry about that with Josie and Maggie because it had been a long time since they were fixed. So, she's all clingy and emotional, and I'm all paranoid that she's going to get out of the yard and get herself knocked up. Not a fun thing to go through but I'm 'hoping' to find time to make acall and find out how much longer of the 'fun' I have to go through before she's out of heat.
3. Buying property .. within the past six months or so, I've had random conversations with people about buying property, acres, subdividing it / selling it, and everyone building houses and living close to each other. Well on Mother's Day my sister is going on a tangent about the same idea ...talking about buying property, what we'd name the streets, and so on. Ok .. right? Well anyway my mother calls me today and started talking about the whole buying property and having the family move in our own 'mini' neighborhood. Apparently they were not just 'having conversation' but they were really talking about it. So, my other sister has been looking on the internet for land trying to see where all we could move to and they're talking about maybe doing something in the next year or so ... crazy!!
So .. if that happens, I guess I need to decide two things: (A) am I staying in Louisville? (B) am I just going to stay in my house here for right now and not move before that whole concept happens? I know, the idea of living in the vicinity of your relatives sounds INSANE, but they're talking about getting 20+ acres, and separating the houses where we'd be close, but not that close to each. Plus I'm thinking that my mother and I could combine resources and create one hell of a day lily garden ... between her lilies and mine we have hundreds of them!!
So, now that I've learned they're actually serious about the whole concept, I may think about it some, but of course not think hard into it since it's still in it's conceptual design. Here's the deal though .. if I do this, then it's probably under the assumption that I'd build a house there and stay there without moving again. So if I did something like that, I'd have to build a house that I'd be willing and capable of living in for years to come.
Ok .. to much thinking on that subject!!
4. Because of the finales and the fact that AI was two hours on Tuesday, I have not gone to the gym since Monday night. I feel weird and off track, but at the same time Angie and I have gone walking during our hour lunch every day. With that being said, I think it's actually harder to walk that our hour than it is to get on the treadmill for a hour. Granted I've not been able to use the weights for the past few days, but in general, that walking is exhausting!! It reminds me of exactly how much I hate hot weather because I come back half dead from the heat and humidity. Anyway I did not go again tonight because I had a few things going on, and even though we're walking about every day, I'm still intending on getting back to the air conditioned gym tomorrow night.
Ok .. that's enough for the moment. I'm going to read my highly addictive book for a bit before going to bed .. I'll touch base later.